





沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.1沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.2沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.3沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.4沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.5沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.6沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.13沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.14沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.15沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.16沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.17沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.18沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.19沃伦(2016) 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-08-10 23:28




 1 ) 搬运一个比较全的剧情介绍(英文


The movie tells the story of a young Polish girl, Zosia Głowacka, from Volhynia's a village settled by Ukrainians, Poles and Jews.The story begins shortly before the outbreak of World War II in 1939 with the marriage of Zosia's sister to a Ukrainian. During the wedding, Zosia's father decides that she has to marry an older village administrator and a widower, Maciej Skiba, despite her being deeply in love with a young, local Ukrainian boy, Petro. The local Ukrainian population shows a lot of resentment towards Polish officials, as they favor the Polish minority in Volhynia. Because of that, some Ukrainians carry out terrorist attacks against Polish authorities and Ukrainian collaborators. These attacks are met with severe actions from the Polish government, including closing Orthodox churches and the humiliation of the Ukrainian population. Despite that, some parts of the Ukrainian and Polish populations try to reconcile with each other.

When the war begins, Maciej gets conscripted to the Polish Army to fight against the Germans in the September Campaign. When the campaign is lost, Maciej and other survivors try to return to their homes. On their way back, all members of the group, except Maciej, are captured by local Ukrainians, tortured and killed.

Maciej manages to get to the village thanks to disguising himself as a Ukrainian. The village is in the eastern part of Poland, which gets occupied by the Soviet Union, and communist rule is established in the village. The local Ukrainian and Jewish populations co-operate with the Soviet authorities, replacing prewar Polish authorities as governors.

In the meantime, Zosia gets pregnant, most likely by Petro, but wants Maciej to believe that the child is his. As a part of a massive deportation of the Polish population carried out by the Soviets in 1939–1941, Zosia, Maciej and his children, are about to be sent to Siberia or Kazakhstan to do forced labour. Zosia and the children are rescued in the last moment, just as the train is about to depart. Petro bribes the guard with vodka. When they come back to Petro's home, Zosia gets contractions. While she is giving birth to her child, the guard arrives and kills Petro. Zosia then takes care of Maciej's home and children during his absence. The children are sent to a school organized by the Soviets.

The plot then switches to 1941, when the German Army is conquering Volhynia during Operation Barbarossa. The Germans begin to kill the local Jews and organize local police units from Ukrainian collaborators, who actively participate in the Holocaust. However, Zosia and other Ukrainians still try to help the Jews by hiding them in safe places.

In the meantime, Maciej comes back home after he manages to escape deportation. The family tries to organize its life in the changed reality, as the Poles face increased hostility from their Ukrainian neighbours, resulting in an increase of murders of Poles committed by the latter. One day Maciej sets out to the local market despite Zosia's protests motivated by her fearing for his safety. She is proven right, as the other Polish neighbours arrive some days later with Maciej's head cut off.

Zosia tries to get by the best she can while she takes care of the children. However, one day, she defends herself against an attempted rape by a Ukrainian policeman, and the presence of the Jews hidden by her is revealed. The Jews, an old couple and a young unrelated boy, escape and find shelter for the winter in the home of a local Ukrainian, who agrees to help after the Jew promises him a large amount of money. When the Jew's wife dies and winter comes, the Ukrainian demands a payment. When he asees that the Jew cannot pay him, he murders him in the forest. The young Jew is rescued by the Ukrainian's son.

In the summer of 1943, news about the killings committed by Ukrainians spreads among the Poles in the village. At the time, a young Polish man who is seriously injured arrives at Zosia's home. When he recovers, he settles there as it makes Zosia feel safer. He contacts the local Home Army unit, which, by orders of the Polish government in the United Kingdom, does not protect the Poles from Ukrainian attacks but prepares to fight the Germans in the future. When the young man is asked to be a guide for members of the Home Army on the way to a meeting with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA), Zosia desperately tries to discourage him from going. She failed to stop him. When two members of the Home Army arrive at the meeting, as agreed without weapons, they get surrounded by the UPA soldiers, captured, and then dismembered by horses. The men from the UPA then hunt for the rest of the Home Army group. They find only Zosia's friend, who has escaped and is hiding in a church that is full of Poles. During the ceremony, the Ukrainians enter the church, killing everyone in the way, but Zosia's friend. She runs to the church's tower and somehow survives the attack.

In the meantime, the local Ukrainian population, the former Ukrainian policeman and his friends join the UPA in the forest. They gather and call to eradicate the lands from Poles. There are two ceremonies from the Ukrainian Orthodox priests shown: the first one preaching about loving neighbours and the second one calling to kill all Poles to achieve pure Ukrainian lands at last.

Soon, the first survivors of the pogroms arrive to the village and tell the story of Ukrainian neighbours killing Poles and everybody who protested against the killings. The local Ukrainian village administrator arrives at Zosia's home to ensure her that she and her children can stay at home, as they would not be harmed by their Ukrainian neighbours. Also, other Polish people are reassured about their safety. However, those are only deception tactics to allow Ukrainians to kill as many Poles as possible.

The killings in the village begin at night. Zosia escapes with her child, but as she runs away, she sees Poles being tortured, including pregnant women being stabbed in womb, people getting disemboweled and getting their eyes gouged out. Zosia's stepson is murdered during this massacre. Her stepdaughter, however, is rescued by a Ukrainian peasant. On their way to escape from certain death, Zosia and her child arrive to Petro's previous house, where they get rescued by Petro's mother.

As Zosia runs away with her child from place to place, she encounters the corpses of mutilated Polish infants, women and elderly in every village. In one place, she runs into a unit of the German Army, which saves her from certain death, just moments before Ukrainians are about to kill her and her child. The Germans are astonished at first as to why she walks alongside them, but when they find more and more stacks of murdered Poles on their way, they feel sorry for her and escort her to the place where her sister, Helena, lives. She is welcomed there, as Vasyl, Helena's Ukrainian husband, is friendly to Poles. Zosia hides in their shed with her son. As most of the village's population is already involved in killings, Vasyl's brother tries to convince him to join the nationalists and to kill his Polish wife so that he can save himself and the children. As they wrangle, Vasyl kills his own brother with an axe.

The next night, the whole family is attacked by Poles who seek revenge on Ukrainians. They condemn Helena for living with a Ukrainian. They slaughter her newborn in front of her eyes, kill Vasyl and behead her. Zosia observes everything from the shed. Terrified, she escapes again and is now afraid of both Ukrainians and Poles. She hides in the woods with her son. Subsequent scenes show the UPA rushing through the forest, exultantly celebrating while leading a cart occupied by the Poles who killed Helena's family and other Ukrainians, but now disfigured, mauled and visibly tortured as punishment for the retaliatory attacks. A young, blond man with obscured features places Zosia's son on a horse-drawn cart, before approaching Zosia's resting place in the forest. The film then alternates between shots of an unconscious Zosia on a cart, Zosia and her son walking through a German checkpoint at a bridge, before finally settling on an unconscious Zosia lying on the cart, her son sitting at the front of the wagon with the young man, who looks exactly like Petro, making their way through the wide green fields of Volhynia.

 2 ) 可怕的不是曾经发生过,而是之后还会发生














也包括那些玩火的人——《苏菲的抉择》中写到,波兰战前那些鼓吹反犹的教授,照样被纳粹枪毙在校园墙下。You did it to yourself.没有人能成为仇恨和恶意的玩家,留下的只是吞噬所有人的黑暗深渊。

 3 ) 你知道电影都是假的,但你同时也知道历史是真的


 4 ) 别怪斯拉夫二毛子残忍,其实是人类进化史上根深蒂固的残暴基因


 5 ) 与《我们来自未来》一起看

波兰电影《沃伦》和俄罗斯电影《我们来自未来2》,放在一起看有好处。 乌克兰和白俄罗斯西部有一块领土,原来都是俄罗斯沙皇统治,十月革命后的苏维埃与波兰战争,波兰把这块地方抢过去了,有20万平方公里。这块地方住着乌克兰人和波兰人。 二战,德国入侵波兰,苏联也趁机入侵,把这块地方抢回去了,其中就包括一个叫沃伦的地方。一些文章常说的德国和苏联夹击波兰,实际苏联不过是拿回了1920年被波兰占领的土地。 沃伦这里的乌克兰人和波兰人,无力抗拒强大的德国人和苏联人,但是互相打来打去,以及配合德国欺负犹太人,还是有两手。于是有了波兰人受害的沃伦惨案。 《我们来自未来2》,讲的是两个仇视俄国人的西部乌克兰人,经历了时空穿越,发现他们与俄罗斯人曾经并肩战斗,抗击德国入侵。回到现实后,改变了对历史的看法。 想了解乌克兰与波兰、乌克兰与俄罗斯关系,看这两个电影,会快一些。

 6 ) 美女掩盖下的丑陋








切辫切头,火束活人,墙头草夺权,伏特加换命,偷鸡割臂,桶中断头,邻里兄弟相残屠杀,读过你的诗歌亦五马分尸。波兰姑娘在非常时期的三个情人,无解的极端民族矛盾,太恐怖……导演Wojciech Smarzowski最高杰作

  • kylegun
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  • 亵渎电影
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4.5 后半段一度干呕,真实的极端影像,足以堪称与《索尔之子》并列的近几年二战题材神作。相比乌克兰土匪,德军真算文明人了。结局玩了一手对脸盲患者不大友好的阴阳两隔套路。

  • 徐若风
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曾经好好的民族融合地区由于战争政治民族宣传搞起了无差别大屠杀 比一切恐怖片都真实 满屏幕的血肉模糊 比南京大屠杀更窝心 因为不存在侵略啊!看这种电影哭都哭不出 所以我一直说人类是世界上最残忍最没人性的生物对国人来说的冷门片 大导演残酷再现历史的十分之一

  • 完颜穆尔登格
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  • 沛。
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  • 似是故人来
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看的是差不多150分钟的版本(A站还是B站有阉割版本,心理承受能力较弱就去看阉版吧),部分镜头会有不适感,过于真实、残忍,血腥,反人伦。 沃伦大屠杀的遇难人数超过八万。

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  • 朱芳文
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  • 方枪枪
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  • 困难总比办法多
  • 较差


  • 猪头妖怪
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  • frozenmoon
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8 历史反复证明 民族混居与信仰冲突的地区积攒的矛盾一旦爆发 后果将是万劫不复的人性深渊;波兰和乌克兰 两个夹杂在德国和野蛮俄狗之间的悲情国家无法摆脱的命运 相比波兰 乌克兰更不走运 今日乌之现状能看做是历史的报复吗;德军:早知道你们斯拉夫人内斗这么狠 干嘛还亲自动手

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